I have a map with a form above it. The user enters an address and the map places four circles of various radii around that address. I want the user to be able to click each of the circles and get an infowindow saying what the radius of that circle is. I can get this to work on the outermost circle (the biggest one), but for the smaller circles inside it, nothing happens. Why is this happening and what can I do please?
$( "#fAddress" ).on( "submit", function( event ) {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
user_address = $("#address").val();
geocoder.geocode({ address: user_address }, (results, status) => {
if (status === "OK") {
const radCircle3 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
map: map,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
content: "2,500 feet",
clickable: true,
radius: .3048 * 2500 //meters
const infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
google.maps.event.addListener(radCircle3, 'click', function(ev){ //works
infoWindow.setContent("2,500 feet");
const radCircle1 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
map: map,
clickable: true,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
radius: .3048 * 500 //meters
google.maps.event.addListener(radCircle1, 'click', function(ev){
//infoWindow.open(map); //nothing happens
alert("500 feet"); //nothing happens
const radCircle2 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
radius: .3048 * 1000 //meters
const radCircle4 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
radius: .3048 * 750 //meters
} else {
console.error("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);
One option is to stack the circles in size order with the biggest on the bottom (added to the map first).
const radCircle3 = new google.maps.Circle({
radius: 0.3048 * 2500, //meters
const radCircle2 = new google.maps.Circle({
radius: 0.3048 * 1000, //meters
const radCircle4 = new google.maps.Circle({
radius: 0.3048 * 750, //meters
const radCircle1 = new google.maps.Circle({
radius: 0.3048 * 500, //meters
code snippet:
let map
let marker
let geocoder
let responseDiv
let response
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
zoom: 15,
center: { lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644 },
mapTypeControl: false,
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder()
geocoder.geocode({ address: "New York, New York" }, (results, status) => {
if (status === "OK") {
const radCircle3 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
map: map,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
content: "2,500 feet",
radius: 0.3048 * 2500, //meters
const infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
function addInfoWindow(circle) {
google.maps.event.addListener(circle, "click", function (ev) {
const radCircle2 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
content: "1,000 feet",
radius: 0.3048 * 1000, //meters
const radCircle4 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
content: "750 feet",
radius: 0.3048 * 750, //meters
const radCircle1 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
map: map,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
content: "500 feet",
radius: 0.3048 * 500, //meters
} else {
"Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status,
window.initMap = initMap
#map {
height: 100%;
body {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<!doctype html>
<title>Geocoding Service</title>
<div id="map"></div>
The `defer` attribute causes the script to execute after the full HTML
document has been parsed. For non-blocking uses, avoiding race conditions,
and consistent behavior across browsers, consider loading using Promises. See
for more information.
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyCkUOdZ5y7hMm0yrcCQoCvLwzdM6M8s5qk&callback=initMap&v=weekly" defer></script>
Another option would be to add a "zIndex" property to each circle in the order you want them stacked (lowest zIndex on the bottom/biggest circle, highest zIndex on the top/smallest circle):
const radCircle3 = new google.maps.Circle({
zIndex: 0,
radius: .3048 * 2500 //meters
const radCircle1 = new google.maps.Circle({
zIndex: 3,
radius: .3048 * 500 //meters
const radCircle2 = new google.maps.Circle({
zIndex: 1,
radius: .3048 * 1000 //meters
const radCircle4 = new google.maps.Circle({
zIndex: 2,
radius: .3048 * 750 //meters
zIndex code snippet:
let map
let marker
let geocoder
let responseDiv
let response
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
zoom: 15,
center: {
lat: -34.397,
lng: 150.644
mapTypeControl: false,
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder()
address: "New York, New York"
}, (results, status) => {
if (status === "OK") {
const radCircle3 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
map: map,
zIndex: 0,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
content: "2,500 feet",
radius: .3048 * 2500 //meters
const radCircle1 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
map: map,
zIndex: 3,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
radius: .3048 * 500 //meters
const radCircle2 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
zIndex: 1,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
radius: .3048 * 1000 //meters
const radCircle4 = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#0000ff",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
zIndex: 2,
center: results[0].geometry.location,
radius: .3048 * 750 //meters
const infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow()
google.maps.event.addListener(radCircle3, "click", function(ev) {
infoWindow.setContent("radCircle3 2,500 feet")
google.maps.event.addListener(radCircle2, "click", function(ev) {
infoWindow.setContent("radCircle3 1000 feet")
google.maps.event.addListener(radCircle4, "click", function(ev) {
infoWindow.setContent("radCircle4 750 feet")
google.maps.event.addListener(radCircle1, "click", function(ev) {
infoWindow.setContent("radCircle1 500 feet")
} else {
"Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status,
window.initMap = initMap
#map {
height: 100%;
body {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<!doctype html>
<title>Geocoding Service</title>
<div id="map"></div>
The `defer` attribute causes the script to execute after the full HTML
document has been parsed. For non-blocking uses, avoiding race conditions,
and consistent behavior across browsers, consider loading using Promises. See
for more information.
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyCkUOdZ5y7hMm0yrcCQoCvLwzdM6M8s5qk&callback=initMap&v=weekly" defer></script>