I am very sorry if this question has already been asked but I could not find any answer for it.
In my Spring Boot application, I have a utility class that I use on several places in different services. The util - located in src/main/java/com/blueprint/bookings/util/AccountUtil.java
- looks like this:
package com.blueprint.bookings.util;
... IMPORTS ...
public final class AccountUtil {
private AccountUtil() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This is a utility class and cannot be instantiated");
public static Account getAccountFromRequestDto(RequestDto requestData) {
... CODE ...
public static UserEntity getUserEntityFromAccount(Account account) {
... CODE ...
As I stated earlier I, this utility class and it's methods is used in several @Service
classes, that is why I have created an utility for it.
Note that the utility class does not have any annotations. I tried annotating using both @Component
and @Service
but that just made all other (currently only controller) tests fail.
I want to write unit tests for this class and the methods. This is what I have done so far - located in src/test/java/com/blueprint/bookings/util/AccountUtilTest.java
package com.blueprint.bookings.util;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class AccountUtilTest {
void testGetAccountFromRequestDto() throws Exception {
... CREATE TEST OBJECT "testRequestDto" ...
Account resultAccount = AccountUtil.getAccountFromRequestDto(testRequestDto);
... ASSERTIONS WITH "assertEquals" ...
void testGetUserEntityFromAccount() throws Exception {
... CREATE TEST OBJECT "testAccount" ...
UserEntity resultAccount = AccountUtil.getUserEntityFromAccount(testAccount);
... ASSERTIONS WITH "assertEquals" ...
My problem here is that when I run mvn test
or mvn install
it does not get run at all. I see that other tests for my controllers and services are run but not this test.
I tried removing all tests but these, and then I see in the console, also indicating that these tests does not get run.
[INFO] Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
What might I be missing here?
As AccountUtil
is a utility class
with static methods, it doesn’t need the Spring context
to be loaded. Instead, it seems like a simple JUnit test class
Here is the sample code snippet
shown below through JUnit 5
class AccountUtilTest {
void testGetAccountFromRequestDto() {
... CREATE TEST OBJECT "testRequestDto" ...
Account resultAccount = AccountUtil.getAccountFromRequestDto(testRequestDto);
... ASSERTIONS WITH "assertEquals" ...