I'm trying to confirm this struct is being formatted correctly for network byte order, but printing out the bytes and printing out the hex of the bytes give me different output, with the hex being the expected output. But I don't know why they are different.
import ctypes
class test_struct(ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [ ('f1', ctypes.c_ushort, 16) ]
foo = test_struct()
foo.f1 = 0x8043
bs = bytes(foo)
print(str(bs[0:1]) + " " + str(bs[1:2]))
print(bs.hex(' '))
The output is
b'\x80' b'C'
80 43
The order is correct. The difference is how the bytes are displayed.
A bytes
object's default display is b'X'
where X is either the printable ASCII character for that byte, an escape character (\t\r\n
) or a hexadecimal escape (\xhh
If a bytes
object is iterated, the values are integers 0-255. Those integers can be displayed in any way you like, e.g.:
import ctypes
class test_struct(ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
_fields_ = ('f1', ctypes.c_ushort),
foo = test_struct(0x8043)
for b in bytes(foo):
# decimal integer (default), hexadecimal integer, and 1-byte `bytes` object.
print(f'{b:3} 0x{b:02x} {bytes([b])}')
128 0x80 b'\x80'
67 0x43 b'C'