I am currently trying to write a program that takes data from a NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day API, and then presents the data to the user in a simple webpage. The API returns data in JSON format, which I converted to simple strings of text in python. Since this string is very long, I am trying to use Google's Gemini AI API to take the text as input and provide a summary. However, whenever I use my API key, it simply returns a KeyError, citing lines from os.py (not my program). I can access my API using the Google AI Studio website, where it says a couple of requests were received. Any help would be appreciated!
Below is my code: (see lines 12-14 for configuration for API and last chunk of apod() function for problem code) (Replaced actual api key with API KEY for privacy)
# imports for functionality
import requests
import google.generativeai as genai # ai compiler
import os
# requests module --> allows us to send/recieve packets to/from APIs
# We use 3 APIs in this program; 2 NASA OpenAPIs, and a Google AI api SDK .
# We extract information from the first 2 apis, and summarize using the Google API,
# which is then presented to the user in a simple webpage.
# NASA API config
key = personal dev key # --> NASA API key
# Google API config --> migrate to openai after developing ai key
genai.configure(api_key=os.environ["API KEY"]) # --> Google ai API
model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash") # --> generates stable model
# API ref dict
apis = {
"apod" : "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key="+ key
# check for API error codes
rcodes = {
200 : "Success",
301 : "Redirecting",
400 : "Invalid request",
401 : "Invalid login",
403 : "Unauthorized page",
404 : "Page not found",
503 : "Server not ready"
# function for passing text thru google openai library: ->
# Function blocks for parsing each API data
def apod(data):
# This block appends apod data to data.txt
f.write(i + ": \n")
print(data['date']) # date
f.write(str(data['url'] + "\n")) # url
imgexp = str(data['explanation']) # vaiable to store explanation
f.write(imgexp) # <-- writes explanation to data.txt
airesp = model.generate_content("Summarize the following text, prioritizing scientfic information, while keeping it simple enough for someone not the field to understand: " + imgexp)
f = open("data.txt", "w") # Opens data file in write-over mode
for i in apis: # Runs through api list
response = requests.get(apis[i]) # returns status code
respt = response.json() # Stores text values of api data as a dict
# Delete this part after fully integrated -->
print(i + "-" + rcodes[response.status_code]) # prints status code
# Delete this part after fully integrated <--
# block to determine parsing func
if i == "apod":
apod(respt) # <-- passes dict of api response thru parsing function
else: pass
# Call this line last, to enable full data writing
f.close() # Closes file to prevent accidental writing
Running this code results in:
genai.configure(api_key=os.environ['API KEY']) # --> Google ai API
File "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/os.py", line 675, in __getitem__
raise KeyError(key) from None
KeyError: 'API KEY'
You should not include your API keys in code - keep them separate.
One way (there are several) is to use a Python script from which you can import the required values. In my development environment I have apikeys.py where I store my keys.
Using that approach, you could have a simpler implementation as follows:
import google.generativeai as genai
import requests
from apikeys import NASA, GAPI
from functools import cache
AI = "Summarize the following text, prioritizing scientfic information, while keeping it simple enough for someone who is not an astronomer to understand: "
APIS = [
MODEL = "gemini-1.5-flash"
def get_model():
return genai.GenerativeModel(MODEL)
if __name__ == "__main__":
with requests.Session() as session:
for api in APIS:
with session.get(api, params={"api_key": NASA}) as response:
if explanation := response.json().get("explanation"):
print(get_model().generate_content(AI + explanation).text)
print("No explanation!")