
Seg fault on string array items after tokenizing in external function

I am trying to build a runtime command line tool and don't get why I get a segmentation fault when I try to tokenize the string input by the user.

In the str_utils.c file, the expression printf("token: %s\n", tokens[i]); is evaluated properly and the content of the array printed, but in the user_input.c file, if I print the pointer with %p, everything is fine, but as soon as try to print with %s, I get a segmentation fault. So it looks like I am failing at storing the individual token in the array tokens.

Here is the code:

// str_utils.c

int str_utils_split(char *str, char *delimiter, char **tokens,
                    int *tokens_count) {

  char *local_str = strdup(str);

  for (char *token = strtok(local_str, delimiter); token != NULL;
       token = strtok(NULL, delimiter)) {

    tokens = realloc(tokens, sizeof(char *) * (++(*tokens_count)));

    if (tokens == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "realloc failed! Exiting!");
      return 1;

    /* Am doing something wrong here? I ended up doing this because
       I read strtok was not doing any allocation
    tokens[*tokens_count - 1] =
        strcpy((char *)calloc(strlen(token) + 1, sizeof(char)), token);

  // or there?
  tokens = realloc(tokens, sizeof(char *) * (*tokens_count + 1));
  tokens[*tokens_count + 1] = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < *tokens_count; i++) {
    printf("tokenin called fn: %s\n", tokens[i]);


  return 0;
// user_input.c

char command_line_buffer[100];

void ui_parse_command(char *line, ui_command_t *command_obj) {

  char **cmd_tokens = malloc(sizeof(char *));
  char *delimiter = " ";
  int tokens_count = 0;

  str_utils_split(line, delimiter, cmd_tokens, &tokens_count);
  for (int i = 0; i < tokens_count; i++) {
    printf("token in calling fn: %p\n", cmd_tokens[i]); // OK
    printf("token in calling fn: %s\n", cmd_tokens[i]); // seg fault

void ui_start_prompt(void (*callback)(ui_command_t *)) {

  printf("auralizer> ");
  ui_command_t command_obj;

  while (fgets(command_line_buffer, sizeof(command_line_buffer), stdin) !=
         NULL) {

    ui_parse_command(command_line_buffer, &command_obj);
    printf("auralizer> ");

I tried with and without local copies, with and without a local tmp_tokens array in the split function, I tried to start from a NULL pointer in user_input.c, I turned it in all directions and it always compiles, but always goes into a segfault at the same place.

The correct output would be (the correct output just happened once and crashed again after I restarted the program):

auralizer> tralala lala
token in called fn: tralala
token in called fn: lala

token in calling fn: tralala
token in calling fn: lala

And after re-executing the program (printf("%s")):

auralizer> tralala lala
token in called fn: tralala
token in called fn: lala

[1]    27102 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./bin/auralizer

Printing the pointers (printf("%p")):

auralizer> tralala lala
token in called fn: tralala
token in called fn: lala

token in calling fn: 0x557717df4cb0
token in calling fn: 0x557717df4cd0


  • A few style notes.

    Using strdup

    To me this is suspect:

        tokens[*tokens_count - 1] =
            strcpy((char *)calloc(strlen(token) + 1, sizeof(char)), token);
        tokens[*tokens_count - 1] = strdup(token);

    Offloading the resizeable array logic

    You've added a lot of complexity to your code to manage a growing dynamic array. You could simply work with a fixed size array and pass a maximum size parameter to your tokenizing function, avoiding this issue entirely, or you could develop a data type and accompanying functions to handle a growing dynamic array (or "vector") so that you don't need to mingle that logic with the tokenizing logic. This will aid in debugging.

    Note that growing such a data structure by a single element is inefficient and involves many more realloc calls, which are comparatively expensive. Better to grow by a factor of 2 or 1.5. The optimum growth factor is a subject of debate and veers heavily into opinion territory. You would likely also want sv_make_empty to start a vector with a capacity of more than 1.

    Such an approach might look like the following, where the tokenizing logic is simply in main.

    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    typedef struct StringVec {
        size_t cap;
        size_t sz;
        char **data;
    } StringVec;
    StringVec *sv_make_empty(void);
    StringVec *sv_grow(StringVec *);
    StringVec *sv_push(StringVec *, char *);
    void sv_destroy(StringVec *);
    int main(void) {
        char line[] = "Hello world foo  bar";
        char *delim = " ";
        StringVec *vec = sv_make_empty();
        if (!vec) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of string vector failed.\n");
            return 1;
        char *tok = strtok(line, delim);
        while (tok) {
            if (!sv_push(vec, strdup(tok))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Pushing onto vector failed.\n");
                return 1;
            tok = strtok(NULL, delim);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < vec->sz; i++) {
            printf("%s\n", vec->data[i]);
    StringVec *sv_make_empty(void) {
        StringVec *vec = malloc(sizeof(*vec));
        if (!vec) return NULL;
        vec->cap = 1;
        vec->sz = 0;
        vec->data = malloc(vec->cap * sizeof(char *));
        if (!vec->data) {
            return NULL;
        return vec;
    StringVec *sv_grow(StringVec *vec) {
        size_t growth_factor = 2;
        char **new_data = realloc(vec->data, vec->cap * growth_factor);
        if (!new_data) {
            return NULL;
        vec->data = new_data;
        vec->cap *= growth_factor;
        return vec;
    StringVec *sv_push(StringVec *vec, char *str) {
        if (!vec) return NULL;
        if (vec->sz == vec->cap && !sv_grow(vec)) return NULL;
        vec->data[vec->sz++] = str;
        return vec;
    void sv_destroy(StringVec *vec) {
        if (!vec) return;

    Extra space

    Now with the vector growing the way it does, it's possible a function returning a StringVec is keeping more memory alive than need be. You can keep the memory under control without having to do the costly grow-by-one method by implementing a sv_shrink function.

    StringVec *sv_shrink(StringVec *vec) {
        if (!vec) return NULL;
        if (vec->cap <= 1 || vec->cap == vec->sz) return vec;
        char **new_data = realloc(vec->data, sizeof(char *) * vec->sz);
        if (!new_data) return NULL;
        vec->data = new_data;
        vec->cap = vec->sz;
        return vec;

    While passing a char *** argument also works, being a three star programmer is not a good thing.