In my current directory, I have a list (list.txt) file like this
Container ID
I also have folders that contains files whose file name start with the values shown in the previous list.
I also have a script with which I want to loop over each element of my list and copy the found files into a directory called FINAL. This script is pretty simple but for a reason I don't know is not working
# Path to your file containing container IDs
# Destination folder
# Create destination folder if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$destination_folder"
# Skip the header and process each container ID in the file
tail -n +2 "$container_file" | while IFS= read -r container_id || [[ -n "$container_id" ]]; do
# Check if the line is not empty
if [[ -n "$container_id" ]]; then
echo "Processing Container ID: $container_id" # Debugging line
# Find files that start with the container ID and copy them to the FINAL folder
find . -type f -name ${container_id}* -exec cp {} "$destination_folder" \;
I get the Container ID from the echo but it cannot copy. Interestingly if I run the following command, this works
find . -type f -name W1412886* -exec cp {} FINAL \;
Do you have any idea why it is working in a single command but the loop (that seems to work) is not copying? I am using git bash
A reworked (minor changes,comments removed) of your script, using a 'dos' formatted list.txt file.
As others mentioned, list.txt is probably CRLF (aka windows aka dos formatted records) is the root issue, also added -print to 'find....', cater for dos formatted records - works without change on standard 'unix' text files
$ ls -l W*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tester tester 0 Nov 3 21:49 W1402789.0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tester tester 0 Nov 3 21:49 W1402789.1
---------- 1 tester tester 0 Nov 3 22:14 W1402792
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tester tester 0 Nov 3 21:49 W1402878.1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tester tester 0 Nov 3 21:49 W1402878.2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tester tester 0 Nov 3 21:49 W1402878.3
$ file list.txt
list.txt: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
$ cat list.txt
Container ID
$ cat
mkdir -p "$destination_folder"
while IFS= read -r container_id
if [[ -n "$container_id" ]]; then
echo "Processing Container ID: $container_id"
find . -type f -name "${container_id}*" -print -exec cp -f {} "$destination_folder" \;
done <<< $(tail -n +2 "$container_file" | tr -d '\r') # cater for 'dos' formatted lines
$ ./
Processing Container ID: W1412886
Processing Container ID: W1402878
Processing Container ID: W1402821
Processing Container ID: W1402789
Processing Container ID: W1402792
cp: cannot open './W1402792' for reading: Permission denied
$ ls FINAL/
W1402789.0 W1402789.1 W1402878.1 W1402878.2 W1402878.3
hope this helps, or let the community know if you've resolved your issue.