I use the following command to clear the Ledis index.
from redis import StrictRedis
db_value = 7
redis = StrictRedis(host=HOST, **cloud_cfg, db=db_value)
After I clear the index, I use following command:
from redis import StrictRedis
db_value = 7
redis = StrictRedis(host=HOST, **cloud_cfg, db=db_value)
res = redis.mget(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'])
It takes 4 second.
But when I use mget in DB 8.
It only need 0.193 second.
My questions are:
1. Why my DB become slow after flushdb?
2. How can I fix it?
more information:
redis version(python): 4.5.4
ledis version(server): 1.3.8
I find that change mget_threshold
to large than the number of mget is more useful.