I am trying to do something which I think should be relatively straight-forward with JDBI v3 (using the sql-object and postgres extensions).
I have an Item class:
public class Item {
private String itemNumber;
private Dimension3D dimensions;
public Item(String itemNumber, Dimension3D dimensions) {
this.itemNumber = itemNumber;
this.dimensions = dimensions;
public String getItemNumber() {
return itemNumber;
public Dimension3D getDimensions() {
return dimensions;
The Dimension3D class is:
public class Dimension3D {
private BigDecimal width, length, height;
private LengthUnit lengthUnit; // This is an enum, defaults to INCH.
public Dimension3D(BigDecimal width, BigDecimal length, BigDecimal height) {
this.width = width;
this.length = length;
this.height = height;
this.unit = LengthUnit.INCH;
// Getters and setters.
I am using the following table schemas for items:
item_number VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (item_number ~ '^[0-9]{6}[ab]?$'),
dimensions dimension_3d NOT NULL DEFAULT (0, 0, 0, 'inch'),
void createTable();
The dimension_3d type is created thusly:
CREATE TYPE spatial_unit AS ENUM ('inch', 'metric');
CREATE TYPE dimension_3d AS (
width numeric,
length numeric,
height numeric,
unit spatial_unit
void createTypes();
I am trying to make an insertItem
method which takes an Item
@SqlUpdate("insert into items (item_number, dimensions) " +
"values (:itemNumber, :dimensions)")
void insertItem(@BindBean Item item);
In order to try and make this work I have the above referenced Dimension3DColumnMapper
(not sure that this is necessary):
public class Dimension3DColumnMapper implements ColumnMapper<Dimension3D> {
public Dimension3D map(ResultSet r, int columnNumber, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
return new Dimension3D(r.getBigDecimal("length"), r.getBigDecimal("width"), r.getBigDecimal("height"), LengthUnit.INCH);
Finally I call these methods thusly:
public void testCreateTables(Jdbi jdbi) {
jdbi.installPlugin(new SqlObjectPlugin());
jdbi.installPlugin(new PostgresPlugin());
jdbi.withHandle(handle -> {
handle.registerArgument(new Dimension3DArgumentFactory());
handle.configure(PostgresTypes.class, pt -> pt.registerCustomType(Dimension3DPGType.class, "dimension_3d"));
handle.attach(ItemQueries.class).insertItem(new Item("00001", new Dimension3D(new BigDecimal("1"), new BigDecimal("1"), new BigDecimal("1"), LengthUnit.INCH));
My attempt to make this work seamlessly has led me to register a custom ArgumentFactory
defined thusly:
public class Dimension3DArgumentFactory extends AbstractArgumentFactory<Dimension3D> {
public Dimension3DArgumentFactory() {
protected Argument build(Dimension3D value, ConfigRegistry config) {
return (position, statement, ctx) -> {
statement.setBigDecimal(position, value.getLength());
statement.setBigDecimal(position + 1, value.getWidth());
statement.setBigDecimal(position + 2, value.getHeight());
I also tried to register the dimension_3d
custom type (as seen above) which is:
public class Dimension3DPGType extends PGobject {
private Dimension3D dimension3D;
public Dimension3DPGType(BigDecimal length, BigDecimal width, BigDecimal height) {
this.dimension3D = new Dimension3D(length, width, height, LengthUnit.INCH);
public Dimension3DPGType() {
public BigDecimal getWidth() {
return dimension3D.getWidth();
public void setWidth(BigDecimal width) {
dimension3D = new Dimension3D(width, dimension3D.getLength(), dimension3D.getHeight(), LengthUnit.INCH);
public BigDecimal getLength() {
return dimension3D.getLength();
public void setLength(BigDecimal length) {
dimension3D = new Dimension3D(getWidth(), length, dimension3D.getHeight(), LengthUnit.INCH);
public BigDecimal getHeight() {
return dimension3D.getHeight();
public void setHeight(BigDecimal height) {
dimension3D = new Dimension3D(dimension3D.getWidth(), dimension3D.getLength(), height, LengthUnit.INCH);
public String getValue() {
return "(" + getWidth() + "," + getLength() + "," + getHeight() + ")";
public void setValue(String value) {
PGtokenizer t = new PGtokenizer(PGtokenizer.removePara(value), ',');
BigDecimal length = new BigDecimal(t.getToken(0));
BigDecimal width = new BigDecimal(t.getToken(1));
BigDecimal height = new BigDecimal(t.getToken(2));
dimension3D = new Dimension3D(length, width, height, LengthUnit.INCH);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Dimension3DPGType that)) {
return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(dimension3D, that.dimension3D);
public int hashCode() {
return dimension3D.hashCode();
I have tried this with/without the ColumnMapper, ArgumentFactory, and custom type registration.
The current exception I'm facing is:
[ERROR] DatabaseTest.testCreateTables:21->lambda$testCreateTables$1:29 » UnableToExecuteStatement org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "dimensions" is of type dimension_3d but expression is of type numeric
Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
Attempting to correct this with using casts like below:
@SqlUpdate("insert into items (item_number, dimensions) " +
"values (:itemNumber, CAST(:dimensions AS dimension_3d))")
void insertItem(@BindBean Item item);
then produces the exception:
DatabaseTest.testCreateTables:21->lambda$testCreateTables$1:29 » UnableToExecuteStatement org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: cannot cast type numeric to dimension_3d
For reference I am using the following dependency versions:
Thanks very much for any assistance!
I tried the following:
package com.dow.inventory.db;
import com.dow.items.Dimension3D;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.argument.AbstractArgumentFactory;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.argument.Argument;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.config.ConfigRegistry;
import java.sql.Types;
public class Dimension3DArgumentFactory extends AbstractArgumentFactory<Dimension3D> {
public Dimension3DArgumentFactory() {
protected Argument build(Dimension3D value, ConfigRegistry config) {
final Dimension3DPGType dimension3d = new Dimension3DPGType(value);
return (i, p, cx) -> p.setObject(i, dimension3d, Types.OTHER);
but this leads to:
UnableToExecuteStatement org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: malformed record literal: "(10.75,8.5,7.25)"
This String is coming from:
public String getValue() {
return "(" + getWidth() + "," + getLength() + "," + getHeight() + ")";
Don't know what the correct format is for this to work...
Update 2:
I think I'm getting closer with:
public String getValue() {
return "(ROW(" + getWidth() + "," + getLength() + "," + getHeight() + "))";
because this then leads to the exception for trying to "deserialize":
org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.UnableToExecuteStatementException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "ROW(10.75"
Don't know where this is coming from though because I use the following substring to set the value:
public void setValue(String value) {
String[] parts = value.substring(5, value.length() - 2).split(",");
BigDecimal width = new BigDecimal(parts[0]);
BigDecimal length = new BigDecimal(parts[1]);
BigDecimal height = new BigDecimal(parts[2]);
dimension3D = new Dimension3D(width, length, height, LengthUnit.INCH);
I don't know why using just parentheses leads to a malformed record literal ERROR: malformed record literal: "(10.75,8.5,7.25)"
as that it what is done here.
Update 3:
Seems like not including the length_unit doesn't work, this is now super close:
public String getValue() {
return "(" + getWidth() + "," + getLength() + "," + getHeight() + ",'inch')";
but this yields:
UnableToExecuteStatement org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: invalid input value for enum spatial_unit: "'inch'"
I have figured this out.
Here's the PGObject
implementation that makes this work:
package com.dow.inventory.db;
import com.dow.items.Dimension3D;
import com.dow.items.LengthUnit;
import org.postgresql.util.PGobject;
import org.postgresql.util.PGtokenizer;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Objects;
public class Dimension3DPGType extends PGobject {
private Dimension3D dimension3D;
public Dimension3DPGType(BigDecimal length, BigDecimal width, BigDecimal height) {
this.dimension3D = new Dimension3D(length, width, height, LengthUnit.INCH);
public Dimension3DPGType(Dimension3D dimension3D) {
this.dimension3D = dimension3D;
public Dimension3DPGType(String value) {
public Dimension3DPGType() {
public BigDecimal getWidth() {
return dimension3D.getWidth();
public void setWidth(BigDecimal width) {
dimension3D = new Dimension3D(width, dimension3D.getLength(), dimension3D.getHeight(), LengthUnit.INCH);
public BigDecimal getLength() {
return dimension3D.getLength();
public void setLength(BigDecimal length) {
dimension3D = new Dimension3D(getWidth(), length, dimension3D.getHeight(), LengthUnit.INCH);
public BigDecimal getHeight() {
return dimension3D.getHeight();
public void setHeight(BigDecimal height) {
dimension3D = new Dimension3D(dimension3D.getWidth(), dimension3D.getLength(), height, LengthUnit.INCH);
public String getValue() {
return "(" + getWidth() + "," + getLength() + "," + getHeight() + ",\"inch\")";
public void setValue(String value) {
String[] parts = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1).split(",");
BigDecimal width = new BigDecimal(parts[0]);
BigDecimal length = new BigDecimal(parts[1]);
BigDecimal height = new BigDecimal(parts[2]);
dimension3D = new Dimension3D(width, length, height, LengthUnit.INCH);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Dimension3DPGType that)) {
return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(dimension3D, that.dimension3D);
public int hashCode() {
return dimension3D.hashCode();
With the following argument factory:
public class Dimension3DArgumentFactory extends AbstractArgumentFactory<Dimension3D> {
public Dimension3DArgumentFactory() {
protected Argument build(Dimension3D value, ConfigRegistry config) {
final Dimension3DPGType dimension3d = new Dimension3DPGType(value);
return (i, p, cx) -> p.setObject(i, dimension3d, Types.OTHER);
We then register this custom type on the handle
handle.configure(PostgresTypes.class, pt -> pt.registerCustomType(Dimension3DPGType.class, "dimension_3d"));
and our ItemQuery is successful:
@SqlUpdate("insert into items (item_number, dimensions) " +
"values (:itemNumber, :dimensions)")
void insertItem(@BindBean Item item);
What's really cool is it seems like our default enum value trick does work because we can do the following:
public String getValue() {
return "(" + getWidth() + "," + getLength() + "," + getHeight() + ",)";
and it will automatically set the value to inch