I want to make header (CHeaderCtrl
) of CListCtrl
bold. I dont want to develop my own font, because I want to respect system default font, which is on each computer different. I want only make default font bold. Is it possible? Below code throw error:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mfc140ud.dll
File: D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\VC7Libs\Ship\ATLMFC\Src\MFC\wingdi.cpp
Line: 1113
in line: m_headerFont.CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- see picture below.
In moment of breakpoint is value of lf:
lfHeight: -12
lfWidth: 0
lfEscapement: 0
lfOrientation: 0
lfWeight: 700
lfItalic: 0 '\0'
lfUnderline: 0 '\0'
lfStrikeOut: 0 '\0'
lfCharSet: 1 '\x1'
lfOutPrecision: 0 '\0'
lfClipPrecision: 0 '\0'
lfQuality: 0 '\0'
lfPitchAndFamily: 0 '\0'
lfFaceName: 0x00000004b38fc8cc L"Segoe UI"
Code example:
class CMFCtestDlg : public CDialogEx
CFont m_headerFont;
BOOL OnInitDialog();
BOOL CMFCtestDlg::OnInitDialog()
CFont *pDefaultFont = pHeaderCtrl->GetFont();
LOGFONT lf{0};
if(pDefaultFont != nullptr && pDefaultFont->GetLogFont(&lf))
// If the font is MS Shell Dlg, use SystemParametersInfo to get the system font
if(_tcscmp(lf.lfFaceName, _T("MS Shell Dlg")) == 0)
if(SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf, 0))
lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
Well, my comment above was wrong, I thought it was failing because it couldn't create the font with the parameters you had passed. But the reason is that the m_headerFont
object already contains a valid font handle at that point. You are reusing the object, but CFont::CreateFontIndirect()
calls CGdiObject::Attach()
, which "asserts" that the object is "empty" (m_hObject==NULL
). Therefore you must use another CFont
object or instead clear m_headerFont
before the CreateFontIndirect()
DeleteObject(m_headerFont.Detach()); // detach and delete the old HFONT