I'd like to implement a closure additionalContent
that allows a calling class to add extra UI to a view:
struct RandomView: View
private var additionalContent: (() -> some View)?
var body: some View
if let additionalContent = self.additionalContent
However, I am getting the error "Type '() -> some View' cannot conform to 'View' " after the optional is unwrapped.
I've tried using "any View" and "View" as the parameters and it's the same thing. Tried adding @ViewBuilder to the property declaration but it complains that a getter needs to be added? What is the correct syntax to accomplish this?
is a closure that returns a some View
, so you just need to invoke that closure.
if let additionalContent
That said, taking the closure in the initialiser and immediately invoke it in the initialiser immediately is more commonly seen in built-in SwiftUI views (though obviously this only works if the view builder closure takes no parameters). Also, use EmptyView
instead of an optional to represent the absence of additional content.
struct RandomView<Content: View>: View
private let additionalContent: Content
init(@ViewBuilder additionalContent: () -> Content) {
self.additionalContent = additionalContent()
init() where Content == EmptyView {
self.additionalContent = EmptyView()
var body: some View