
How to make previous dates data from one tab appear in another tab

I am trying to create a function that pulls data from yesterday's date for "Skin Assessments"(B90:AE93), and "Pt Summary/Caregiver Updates"(B101:101)" from "November2024" tab and puts it into the "Updates" tab as the following:

November2024 tab "Skin Assessment"(B90:AE93)data for yesterdays date going to Updates tab "Yesterday's Skin Assessment"(B17:B20).

November2024 tab "Pt Summary/Caregiver Updates"(B101:101) data for yesterdays date going to Updates tab "Yesterday's Pt Summary/Caregiver Updates"(B12)

Here is the Google Sheets, editor enabled if you want to work it in there.


  • In Updates tab:

    You should see something like this: enter image description here


    You can review the Google Sheets function list to learn more.