Need help from anyone who has worked on angular reactive forms. I have a parent component and 3 child components
In the parent component, I have a form which looks like this :
parent form :
formarray1 : formarray[5 formgroups]
formarray2 : formarray[5 formgroups]
formarray3 : formarray[5 formgroups]
Parent component pseudocode:
<form [formGroup] = "parentform">
@for(i for index){ //loop runs 5 times
<app-child1></app-child1> // bind array1
<app-child2></app-child2> // bind array2
<app-child3></app-child3> // bind array3
In the child component, there are form controls and validations done for the specific Formgroup.
How should I bind the 3 formarrays to the 3 child components in such a way that for every loop run, the "i"th formgroup in the formarray is bound with the "i"th child component rendered in the parent component?
You can either just pass it in as an input. Make sure to not call it "formGroup" though or your child components implement the FormControlValueAccessor than you can use the [formGroup] binding from ReactiveFormsModule.
But just for a child view I would go with the first option
<form [formGroup] = "parentform">
@for(i for index){ //loop runs 5 times
<app-child1 [_formGroup]="parentform.controls[i].formarray1"></app-child1> // bind array1
<app-child2 [_formGroup]="parentform.controls[i].formarray2"></app-child2> // bind array2
<app-child3 [_formGroup]="parentform.controls[i].formarray3"></app-child3> // bind array3