
Does fasterxml jackson support kotlin multiplattform?

I am migrating my android app to multiplatform and I have an abstract class with four child classes.

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
@JsonSubTypes(value = [
    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Image::class, name = "image"),
    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Video::class, name = "video"),
    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Audio::class, name = "audio"),
    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Text::class, name = "text")
abstract class Data: MyParcelable {

I added the following dependencies to commonMain:


Unfortunately, I cannot import com.fasterxml.* packages when iosX64 or iosArm64 is active as target.

I can't find any statement if fasterxml jackson is supported for multiplatform development for ios and desktop. Do you have information on using the annotations in kmp projects?


  • Jackson is written in Java, not Kotlin.

    As such, it will support JVM and Android targets, but I do not expect it to be available for iOS or Web (Wasm or JS).

    You might consider kotlinx serialization, along with this library for XML support.