
cd command does not work from .readthedocs.yaml

This my yaml file, https://gitlab.com/miroi/dirac-fork/-/blob/rtd_documentation/.readthedocs.yaml?ref_type=heads

and this is the output from documentation buildup : https://readthedocs.org/projects/dirac-fork/builds/26198759/ .

The cd command of https://gitlab.com/miroi/dirac-fork/-/blob/rtd_documentation/.readthedocs.yaml?ref_type=heads#L41 is not working ... It gives 0 return code, but there is no moving into the wanted subdirectory.

Why ? Is it intentional ?


  • I guess that each command creates its own shell, just like make does.

    Try merging it into a single, ugly, line

    cd $READTHEDOCS_OUTPUT/; pwd; ls -lt; cmake ..; make html; exit 0