I have the following problem:
I have a file named "Template_National_Lookahead" where I have a table on Sheet1 as following
NAME | DATA 1 | DATA 2 | DATA 3 |
Name 1 | |||
11 | data1 name1 | 40 | |
12 | data2 name1 | 30 | |
13 | data3 name1 | 40 | |
14 | data4 name1 | 10 | |
Subtotal | |||
Name 2 | |||
21 | data1 name2 | 40 | |
22 | data2 name2 | 30 | |
23 | data3 name2 | 40 | |
Subtotal | |||
Name 3 | |||
31 | data1 name3 | 40 | |
32 | data2 name3 | 30 | |
33 | data3 name3 | 40 | |
34 | data4 name3 | 30 | |
35 | data5 name3 | 40 |
I need to put the information in another Excel named "Book1" where I have, almost, the same structure but the names are mixed.
I tried using this code:
Sub CopiarInformacionDependiendoDelNombre()
Dim archivoA As Workbook
Dim archivoB As Workbook
Dim hojaA As Worksheet
Dim hojaB As Worksheet
Dim nombre As String
Dim celdaA As Range
Dim celdaB As Range
Dim ultimaFilaA As Long
Dim rangoDatos As Range
Dim filaSubtotalA As Long
Set archivoA = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\JL\Desktop\TEST\Template_National_Lookahead.xlsm")
Set archivoB = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\JL\Desktop\TEST\Book1.xlsm")
Set hojaA = archivoA.Sheets(1)
Set hojaB = archivoB.Sheets(1)
For Each celdaB In hojaB.Range("P2:P" & hojaB.Cells(hojaB.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp).Row)
nombre = celdaB.Value
Set celdaA = hojaA.Range("B2:B" & hojaA.Cells(hojaA.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row).Find(nombre, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not celdaA Is Nothing Then
filaSubtotalA = hojaA.Range(celdaA.Offset(1, 1), hojaA.Cells(hojaA.Rows.Count, celdaA.Column + 1)).Find("Subtotal", LookIn:=xlValues).Row
Set rangoDatos = hojaA.Range(celdaA.Offset(1, 1), hojaA.Cells(filaSubtotalA - 1, celdaA.Column + 2))
Set celdaB = hojaB.Range("P2:P" & hojaB.Cells(hojaB.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp).Row).Find(nombre, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not celdaB Is Nothing Then
celdaB.Offset(1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End If
End If
Next celdaB
MsgBox "Proceso completado", vbInformation
End Sub
But, as result I have
NAME | DATA 1 | DATA 2 |
Name 1 | ||
11 | data1 name1 | |
12 | data2 name1 | |
Name 2 | 13 | data3 name1 |
14 | data4 name1 | |
22 | data2 name2 | |
23 | data3 name2 | |
Name 3 | ||
31 | data1 name3 | |
32 | data2 name3 | |
33 | data3 name3 | |
34 | data4 name3 | |
35 | data5 name3 |
Also, the program paste the row with number Data 1: 11, 12, 13, 14 in the same cell everytime. I mean, they paste the name 2, and then paste de previus data again in the same place, then paste the info of name 3 and then, again, paste de preovius data again in the same place.
I will be glad if someone could help finding the problem.
Thanks to everyone.
Assume that on the target sheet
Row | Column P |
2 | Name 1 |
3 | Name 2 |
4 | Name 3 |
Add the missing Subtotal
into the bottom of the source table for Name 3
since you look for it.
Instead of PasteSpecial
which not insert rows in the table and it is unknown how long a NAME
actually is, I used the Insert
Sub CopiarInformacionDependiendoDelNombre()
Dim archivoA As Workbook
Dim archivoB As Workbook
Dim hojaA As Worksheet
Dim hojaB As Worksheet
Dim nombre As String
Dim celdaA As Range
Dim celdaB As Range
Dim ultimaFilaA As Long
Dim rangoDatos As Range
Dim filaSubtotalA As Long
Set archivoA =Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\JL\Desktop\TEST\Template_National_Lookahead.xlsm")
Set archivoB =Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\JL\Desktop\TEST\Book1.xlsm")
Set hojaA = archivoA.Sheets(1)
Set hojaB = archivoB.Sheets(1)
For Each celdaB In hojaB.Range("P2:P" & hojaB.Cells(hojaB.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp).Row)
If celdaB <> "" Then
nombre = celdaB.Value
Set celdaA = hojaA.Range("B2:B" & hojaA.Cells(hojaA.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row).Find(nombre, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not celdaA Is Nothing Then
filaSubtotalA = hojaA.Range(celdaA.Offset(1, 1), hojaA.Cells(hojaA.Rows.Count, celdaA.Column + 1)).Find("Subtotal", LookIn:=xlValues).Row
Set rangoDatos = hojaA.Range(celdaA.Offset(1, 1), hojaA.Cells(filaSubtotalA - 1, celdaA.Column + 2))
Set celdaB = hojaB.Range("P2:P" & hojaB.Cells(hojaB.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp).Row).Find(nombre, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not celdaB Is Nothing Then
celdaB.Offset(1).Resize(rangoDatos.Rows.Count).Insert xlShiftDown
celdaB.Offset(1, 1).Insert xlShiftDown
End If
End If
End If
Next celdaB
MsgBox "Proceso completado", vbInformation
End Sub
This is the before/after of the target sheet.