By finding various GTK3 code snippets on the internet I have learned that for a GtkMenuItem the callback for the "activate" signal is
void Callback1(GtkMenuItem *menuItem, gpointer userData);
and for a GtkAboutDialog the callback for the "response" signal is
void Callback2(GtkDialog *dialog, gint responseId, gpointer userData);
Where are these and the other callback signatures documented? I have looked in the reference manuals but cannot find documentation about this.
Go to the documentation website, search for GtkAboutDialog
( ).
On the right side near the top, select Signals
to go to the signals section. The response
signal is inherited from the GtkDialog
class. Open the GtkDialog
section, the GtkDialog::response
signal is listed there.
Select the GtkDialog::response
link, and the signature for the response
signal will be listed.
You can also search for response
. In the results list, only look at the items marked as Signal
to find the correct match.