
Final variable gets changed from reference

Case 1

bool _privateBool = false;
final finalBool = _privateBool;

void main() {
  _privateBool = true;
  print(finalBool); ///==> true

Does the variable finalBool holds reference to _privateBool so when _privateBool changes it gets reflected to finalBool.

Case 2

bool _privateBool = false;
final finalBool = _privateBool;

void main() {

  _privateBool = true;
  print(finalBool); ///==> false

In this case, the value was not changed strangely due to the 2 print statement above(accessing those variable).

Case 3

bool _privateBool = false;
final finalBool = _privateBool;

void main() {
  _privateBool = true;


  print(finalBool); ///==> true

In this case, the value was changed even those variable was accessed but after assigned.


  • From the Dart docs regarding variables and default values:

    Top-level and class variables are lazily initialized; the initialization code runs the first time the variable is used.

    Your observations are consistent with the top-level final variable finalBool being lazily initialized in main. When it is first used (accessed), finalBool is initialized with the current value of _privateBool.

    After the initialization, finalBool can not be reassigned and subsequent changes to _privateBool have no effect on finalBool.