
POST API response triggering onFailure in Android client despite working in Postman

In a recent project, I developed an Android client using Kotlin and Retrofit to communicate with a microservice built with Spring Boot, which connects to an MS SQL Server database via JDBC. The client sends a token and a bodyRequest as input parameters to a POST API and expects to receive an object composed of two strings (String) and one integer (Int). When testing the API using Postman, I was able to get the expected response, which included two strings and an integer. However, when I implemented the same API call in the Android client, the response never entered the onSuccess block but consistently fell into the onFailure block.

Postman response


Data class (Kotlin)

data class Response(
@serializedName("codigoRespuesta") val codigoRespuesta: String,
@serializedName("mensajeRespuesta") val mensajeRespuesta: String,
@serializedName("idTransaccion") val idTransaccion: Int


  • After extensive investigation, I discovered that the issue was due to the data type used. In Kotlin, the Int type has a 32-bit limit, which can represent values up to 2,147,483,647 (10 digits). However, the integer received from the server had 13 digits, which exceeded this limit.

    The fix

    I changed the data type from Int to Long (which supports up to 64 bits) in the response class. This solved the issue, and the client started processing the response successfully.