I need help for my sorting issue with Powershell. What I want is simple, but I'm unable to find a solution. I do have in Powershell an array @() of PSCustomObjects like code below. First I fill the array in a loop with objects and try later to order the array. The following simple sample should demonstrate the challange.In the real world, I receive the array from another web service.
$products = @()
for ($i -eq 1; $i -lt 50; $i++){
$code = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % {[char]$_})
$value = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
$value | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ProductId -Value $i
$value | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ProductCode -Value $code
$products += $value
# other try
# for ($i -eq 1; $i -lt 50; $i++){
# $code = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % {[char]$_})
# $value = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProductId=$i; ProductCode="$code"}
# $products += $value
# }
Write-Host $products | Sort-Object -Property ProductCode
I expect a result like this, sorted by ProductCode:
@{ProductId=4; ProductCode=ashku} @{ProductId=1; ProductCode=Ahjju}
@{ProductId=3; ProductCode=bBhhg} @{ProductId=2; ProductCode=qtras}
@{ProductId=5; ProductCode=yYfgh}
Has anyone the solution for me? Thanks in advance.
doesn't send its output to the Success Stream but directly to the Host(usually the terminal) so Sort-Object
receives nothing to sort.
As explained in the comments: the problem is Write-Host
converting the elements to strings before sorting them.
Also Write-Host
is specifically used to send information to the user through the console, but it's mostly meant for strings.
You might want to pipe the results to Format-Table
or Format-List
Here a working example(with optimized production of the example code because your was really inefficient)
$products = foreach ($i in 1..50) {
$code = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ })
ProductId = $i
ProductCode = $code
$products | Sort-Object -Property ProductCode | Format-List
this will return
ProductId ProductCode
--------- -----------
36 AdmCc
42 BhQpU
37 BVSbw
24 cusnH
35 DsSrp
27 EWokb
30 fiuKF
5 gBmPA
21 gxnOe
39 HDgyr
48 hEwHA
6 HoTsJ
3 iLMUv
10 IWCru
14 iySPg
15 JgVyp
20 JlziB
18 jRfGo
44 JuAcq
33 kmZRO
43 KZTHp
47 lgumS
29 lKyZg
40 LqKFc
28 McGjW
16 mHvhg
38 nGBLm
32 nmekO
12 NRJvw
11 oZnRc
23 pbMvq
19 PoeXl
41 pSiDN
7 ptUfA
26 qxQSv
9 rCwnE
13 RMqFT
1 SPJrz
22 TDvWC
50 UFbuM
34 uVCIA
49 VvflM
25 vzpwT
45 wPJtp
31 WxcTk
17 xGrRz
46 XRTnr