
Power Query Import For Power BI with group by on SelectRows

An update: I was trying to do this with Power Query import into Power bi. I didn't realize how easy it would have been to do with DAX. Thanks for the answers that were specific to Power Query Like I originally specified.

I am trying to add a column to an import in power query to import to power bi that shows the next time an order happens, to let me see if a re-order was made / known at that point in time.

Sample data

Orders Table

Item OrderDate
Red 1/1/2024
Blue 1/1/2024
Yellow 1/1/2024
Red 2/1/2024
Yellow 2/1/2024
Red 3/1/2024
Yellow 3/1/2024

The result table would show the next date an order happens, for each order, with the join being on the "Item" and the date being the first record greater than the current row date.


Item OrderDate Next Order Date
Red 1/1/2024 2/1/2024
Blue 1/1/2024 null
Yellow 1/1/2024 2/1/2024
Red 2/1/2024 3/1/2024
Yellow 2/1/2024 3/1/2024
Red 3/1/2024 null
Yellow 3/1/2024 null

I have accomplished this via merged queries using the transform button and then conditional columns to narrow down the result (creating a table with a full outer join), but given the size of the dataset this join creates far too many rows in the import that are then just removed from the dataset.

I would like to use a column formula for selectrows, which I think would involve table.selectrows (table.group), but also needs to join on the item and the next order date being greater than the order data in each row.

I see lots of information on selectrows, or group by, but not on an efficent way to pass this back to the mysql database.

if I were writing the mysql statement it would be

,min(nextorder.orderdate) as NextOrderDate
from orders a

left join orders as NextOrder on

group by 


  • DAX measure is usually an elegant way to address such questions,

    Next = 
        OFFSET( 1, ORDERBY( Orders[OrderDate] ), PARTITIONBY( Orders[Item] ) ),

    enter image description here