I have a stepfunction that triggers a Python lambda function. The lambda function returns a dictionary which contains data in key:value format.
I want to use one of the key:value returned from Lambda in a choice function in subsequent StepFunction. Am having issues in parsing the key:value attributes. I have tried both ResultPAth, OutputPath and parse the result values.
The dictionary from the lambda:
load_result['DEPT_NAME'] = dataset["dept"]
load_result['number_of_higher_grade_promotions'] = 0
Step Function definition configured for Lambda function:
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
"Parameters": {
"Payload.$": "$",
"FunctionName": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:1234456789:function:my_lambda_function:$LATEST"
"Retry": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"IntervalSeconds": 1,
"MaxAttempts": 3,
"BackoffRate": 2
"OutputPath": "$",
"Next": "Is queue empty"
The result when the lambda function is executed from step function:
"ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST",
"Payload": {
"dept": [
"number_of_higher_grade_promotions": 0
Am trying to access the dictionary key, number_of_higher_grade_promotion, in a Choice step (Is Queue Empty) function, but getting errors:
"Type": "Choice",
"Choices": [
"Variable": "$.number_of_higher_grade_promotion",
"NumericEquals": 0,
"Next": "Empty queue"
"Default": "lambda_function_2"
The error am getting is:
An error occurred while executing the state 'Is queue empty' (entered at the event id #7). Invalid path '$.number_of_higher_grade_promotion': The choice state's condition path references an invalid value.
Please help, am new to Step Functions.
You need to specify $.Payload.number_of_higher_grade_promotions
because that response you shared has that key nested, not at the root. Alternatively, you could set the OutputPath to $.Payload
to have Step Functions pass on only a portion of the response payload from your Lambda function.