
How do I filter data to only include Item Numbers where there is a negative value present in Projected Quantity column?

I need to only return rows that have Item Number 67, as there is negative Projected Quantity values here. I need to return all rows with Item Number 67, not just rows with a negative Projected Quantity value. If an extra column needs to added to insert a formula that's no problem. I have looked at advanced filter options and cannot see how this can be done. Any help is really appreciated.

Start Date Item Number Projected Quantity
05/12/2024 45 51866
06/12/2024 45 51866
09/12/2024 45 51241
10/12/2024 45 51235
19/12/2024 45 51235
19/11/2024 67 1000
19/11/2024 67 500
20/11/2024 67 -250
21/11/2024 67 -500
15/11/2024 111 404
25/11/2024 111 550
26/11/2024 111 2470
27/11/2024 111 5678


  • Try using INDEX()+AGGREGATE() functions here:

    enter image description here

    • Formula used in cell E2


    Formula needs to copy down and copy right.

    Another alternative method:
