
How can I get the list of actions supported by a resource for use with Invoke-AzResourceAction PowersShell command?

Consider the following PowerShell command taken from here:

Get-AzResource -Name RESOURCE-NAME | Invoke-AzResourceAction -Action host/default/listkeys -Force

I'm trying to figure out how to action host/default/listkeys was determined.

The help information for Invoke-AzResourceAction says:


The Invoke-AzResourceAction cmdlet invokes an action on a specified Azure resource. To get a list of supported actions, use the Azure Resource Explorer tool.

So, I went to the Azure Resource Explorer tool (see below). But the operations clearly don't match the -Action above.

How can I figure out actions myself to use with Invoke-AzResourceAction?

enter image description here


  • How can I figure out actions myself to use with Invoke-AzResourceAction?

    az-resource-invoke-action is the equivalent Azure CLI command of Invoke-AzResourceAction.

    The documentation says (emphasis mine):

    A list of possible actions corresponding to a resource can be found at All POST requests are actions that can be invoked and are specified at the end of the URI path.

    For instance, to List Function Keys, the request URI is{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{name}/functions/{functionName}/listkeys?api-version=2024-04-01

    So if I understand correctly the corresponding action is listkeys (see the end of the URL: .../listkeys?...).

    Running the correspondent Invoke-AzResourceAction command:

    Invoke-AzResourceAction -Action "listkeys" `
                            -ResourceId "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{name}/functions/{functionName}" `
                            -ApiVersion "2024-04-01"

    Regarding the Azure Resource Explorer, it seems the actions can be found in the name property of the json displayed in the screenshot (the ones that end with /action). Format seems to be the following:
