
How to Make a Baseline Bar Behind Stacked Bars in Chart.js?

I’m trying to create a stacked bar chart in Chart.js where one specific bar (labeled "予想" - prediction) acts as a baseline or background layers. The goal is for this bar to sit visually behind other stacked bars, so it acts like a "container" that the other bars cumulatively fill up to.

Or in another way to explain, is like the other bars are filling the main bar. However, I am struggling stacking the main bar behind it.

I created a codepen with the example:

  const chartData = {
    labels: ["今日"], // Only today
    datasets: [
        label: "prediction",
        data: [1200], // Only data for today
        backgroundColor: "rgba(237, 239, 255, 0.5)",
        borderColor: "rgba(106, 122, 242, 1)",
        borderWidth: 1,
        borderDash: [5, 5],
        stack: "baseline",
        label: "air-c",
        data: [300],
        backgroundColor: "rgba(88, 181, 247, 1)",
        stack: "filling",
        label: "illumination",
        data: [300],
        backgroundColor: "rgba(71, 68, 222, 1)",
        stack: "filling",
        label: "cooling-case",
        data: [300],
        backgroundColor: "rgba(157, 201, 210, 1)",
        stack: "filling",
        label: "others",
        data: [100],
        backgroundColor: "rgba(182, 193, 200, 1)",
        stack: "filling",

  const options = {
    responsive: true,
    maintainAspectRatio: false,
    scales: {
      x: { stacked: true },
      y: {
        stacked: true,
        max: 2000,
        ticks: { stepSize: 1000 },
    plugins: {
      legend: { display: false },
      datalabels: { display: false },
      tooltip: {
        callbacks: {
          label: (context) => {
            const label = context.dataset.label || "";
            return `${label}: ${new Intl.NumberFormat("ja-JP", {
              style: "currency",
              currency: "JPY",



  • For the "baseline" object, you should add grouped property with false to achieve the result.

        label: "prediction",
        data: [1200], // Only data for today
        backgroundColor: "rgba(237, 239, 255, 0.5)",
        borderColor: "rgba(106, 122, 242, 1)",
        borderWidth: 1,
        borderDash: [5, 5],
        stack: "baseline",
        grouped: false,

    Demo @ Code Sandbox