I want to run an Ansible playbook with more inventories and I know it can be done by specifying before each inventory -i command. But I have in two different inventories a group with the same name, but different hosts in the group. Is it possible to target all the machines from both inventories without modifying the inventories?
I couldn't try it because the machines are not available right now, I would like to know if it is possible
Q: "I have in two different inventories a group with the same name, but different hosts in the group."
For example inventory files like
Q: "Is it possible to target all the machines from both inventories without modifying the inventories?"
Yes, of course, since a minimal example playbook example.ini.yml
- hosts: test
become: false
gather_facts: false
- debug:
called via
ansible-playbook -i example.com.ini -i example.net.ini example.ini.yml
will result into an output of
TASK [debug] ********************
ok: [one.example.com] =>
msg: Hello world!
ok: [two.example.com] =>
msg: Hello world!
ok: [one.example.net] =>
msg: Hello world!
ok: [two.example.net] =>
msg: Hello world!
PLAY RECAP **********************
one.example.com : ok=1
one.example.net : ok=1
two.example.com : ok=1
two.example.net : ok=1