
Unwrapping multiple nested HTML elements with Cheerio

Given an HTML string with multiple nested elements, how can I remove all font elements using cheerio while maintaining the internal contents of the innermost font element?

For example this is the before

        <p>Three fonts deep</p>
      Two fonts deep
    One font deep
  No fonts deep  

and this is the after

  <p>Three fonts deep</p>
  Two fonts deep
  One font deep
  No fonts deep

I have tried the unwrap

$('font').each((i, el) => {

and replaceWith

$('*').each((i, el) => {
  if ( === 'font') {

and both of these only remove the outer layer of font. I suspect that altering the HTML while in the each loop causes an issue?

If I run replacement in a while loop it does work.

let foundFonts;
do {
  foundFonts = 0;
  $('font').each((i, el) => {
} while (foundFonts > 0);

I'm wondering, is there an efficient way to get rid of the font elements in a single pass?


  • Try iterating in reverse in your replaceWith attempt:

    const cheerio = require("cheerio"); // ^1.0.0-rc.12
    const html = `<body>
            <p>Three fonts deep</p>
          Two fonts deep
        One font deep
      No fonts deep  
    const $ = cheerio.load(html);
      .forEach(el => $(el).replaceWith($(el).html()));


            <p>Three fonts deep</p>
          Two fonts deep
        One font deep
      No fonts deep  

    Forward looping (root to leaf in the HTML tree) doesn't work because once you process the outermost <font>, its subtree becomes freshly-created and the elements inside of it are no longer part of the tree being looped over.