I want to use a Button
within a MouseArea
, and when the mouse moves over the button, I want both to be in a hovered state. However, when I move over the button, the MouseArea
exits the hovered state because the MouseArea
's signal for 'exited' is executed when the mouse moves over the button.
I want something like the image below:
Window {
visible: true
minimumWidth: 600
minimumHeight: 320
id: idRec1
width: 200
height: 200
color: itemHovered ? Qt.lighter("red", 1.5) :"red"
anchors.centerIn: parent
property bool itemHovered: false
anchors.fill: parent
propagateComposedEvents: true
onEntered: idRec1.itemHovered = true
onExited: idRec1.itemHovered = false
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Button"
You can solve your problem by moving your Button
inside your MouseArea
, i.e.
Recatangle {
MouseArea {
Button { }
Or as iam_peter suggested, use HoverHandler:
Rectangle {
HoverHandler { }
Button { }
However, instead of MouseArea
, I recommend using Frame or Pane, because both offer:
These properties provide a visual cue for users when the mouse hovers over or enters the Frame
, they adjust their geometry based on their children, and they maintain the hovered state even when the mouse moves over child elements within the Frame
Pane {
id: view
implicitWidth: 350
hoverEnabled: true
property int indent: 40
property string text: "New View1"
background: Rectangle { color: Qt.darker("#444", view.hovered ? 1.8 : 1) }
RowLayout {
width: parent.width
IconButton { Layout.leftMargin: view.indent; icon.source: "address-book.svg" }
Label { Layout.fillWidth:true; text: view.text }
RowLayout {
visible: view.hovered
IconButton { icon.source: "reset.svg"; ToolTip.text: "Click to start the instance" }
IconButton { icon.source: "pencil-square.svg"; ToolTip.text: "Modify View Name" }
IconButton { icon.source: "x.svg"; ToolTip.text: "Delete View" }
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