Hi I have two dictionaries defined which contains lists
dict_1 = {'V1': ['2024-11-07', '2024-11-08'], 'V2': ['2024-11-07', '2024-11-08']}
dict_2 = {'V1': ['2024-11-08'], 'V2': ['2024-11-07']}
both items (key and val) from dict_2 above are subset of dict_1 so I wanted return true in both cases.
I tried to use res = set(dict_2.items()).issubset(set(dict_1.items()))
However it works if its simple dictionary like
dict_1 = {'abc' : 1, 'pqr' : 2}
dict_2 = {'abc' : 1}
in my case is there any way this can be done?
You can check for each key of dict_2
that its sublist is a subset of the corresponding sublist of dict_1
def dict_issubset(maybe_subset, maybe_superset):
return {
key: set(sublist).issubset(maybe_superset[key])
for key, sublist in maybe_subset.items()
so that:
dict_1 = {'V1': ['2024-11-07', '2024-11-08'], 'V2': ['2024-11-07', '2024-11-08']}
dict_2 = {'V1': ['2024-11-08'], 'V2': ['2024-11-07']}
print(dict_issubset(dict_2, dict_1))
{'V1': True, 'V2': True}