I have three carts in a table that I want to have auto resize if the window size changes, either by switching to a different size monitor or changing the browser size on the monitor.
According to the docs and this post : why my responsive chart option settings doesnt work
using addEventListener is the way to do it:
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
However, when I change the window size, the chart size doesn't change until I refresh my screen (Safari on MacOS)
Code snippet:
<td class='drilldown'>
<div class ='center' id='main3' style='width: 30vw; height:30vh'></div>
<!-- Prepare a DOM with a defined width and height for ECharts -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Initialize the echarts instance based on the prepared dom
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main3'));
// Auto resize chart
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
// Specify the configuration items and data for the chart
var option = {
title: {
text: 'Horizontal Bar',
left: 'center',
tooltip: {},
legend: {
orient: 'vertical',
right: 'center',
top: 'bottom',
data: ['Sales']
xAxis: {
type: 'value'
yAxis: {
type: 'category',
data: ['Q1 23', 'Q2 23', 'Q3 23', 'Q4 23', 'Q1 24', 'Q2 24']
series: [
name: 'Sales',
type: 'bar',
data: [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20]
// Display the chart using the configuration items and data just specified.
Issue: I had all 3 charts called myCharts.
Solution: Once I named them myChart1
, myChart2
, and myChart3
, resizing started working.