I'm trying to add a String type data into a postgresql database in Python by Prisma. The culumn in database is defined as a specific enum type in Prisma schema. I tried to insert by a String mapping. However the insert was failed with not support with String type. What should I do?
from enum import Enum
from prisma import Prisma
db = Prisma()
os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] = ''
class DifficultyLevel(Enum):
def map_question_difficulty(generated_difficulty):
difficulty_mapping = {
'Easy': DifficultyLevel.EASY,
'Medium': DifficultyLevel.MEDIUM,
'Hard': DifficultyLevel.HARD,
'LUCK': DifficultyLevel.LUCK
return difficulty_mapping.get(generated_difficulty, DifficultyLevel.EASY).value # Default to EASY if difficulty not found
async def insert_questions_to_db(questions):
for question in questions:
"difficulty": map_question_difficulty(question['difficulty'])
logging.info(f"Successfully inserted {len(questions)} questions into the database.")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error inserting questions into the database: {e}")
Definition in Prisma schema:
enum DifficultyLevel {
Here the Program gave feedback with: 'prisma.errors.DataError: Error converting field "difficulty" of expected non-nullable type "String", found incompatible value of "EASY".' The question['difficulty'] is a String object like 'Easy', 'Medium' or 'Hard'.
Your prisma schema should also include LUCK. A discrepancy between python and prisma seems like a Bad Thing.
prisma.errors.DataError: Error converting field "difficulty" of expected non-nullable type "String", found incompatible value of "EASY".' The question['difficulty'] is a String object like 'Easy', 'Medium' or 'Hard'.
This suggests revising your Enum class to be:
class DifficultyLevel(Enum):
EASY = 'Easy'
MEDIUM = 'Medium'
HARD = 'Hard'
LUCK = 'Luck'
Side note: consider DRYing up the class by defining it this way:
from enum import Enum, auto
class DifficultyLevel(Enum):
EASY = auto()
MEDIUM = auto()
HARD = auto()
LUCK = auto()
def __str__(self):
return self.name.title()
And then use f-string or str()
rather than .value