
Output each checksum with its corresponding filename to seperate lines in a text file

I'm trying to output a checksum for six hundred tif files in a directory. I want each line to show the checksum followed by its respective file name.

For example:

b1039a6f0c4295916a82833f507f5e78 vol1_0001.tif
dd3fb454e8d4912934f7626baf105e36 vol1_0002.tif

Here is what I have tried:

for %%F in (vol1*.*) do certutil -hashfile "%%F" md5 | find /V "hash" >>temp.txt
for %%a in (vol1*.*) do set filename=%%~nxa
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in (temp.txt) do set hash=%%i
@echo %hash% %filename% >>CheckSum.md5

The first part works fine, and I get a .txt file of all the checksums I need. But the second part is not working.

All I get is the checksum, and file name pair, for the last file in the directory, repeated a bunch of times.

I have also tried this way on the recommendation of a colleague, but this didn't work either:

@echo off
Set "Folder=C:\Users\Me\desktop\MyFolder"
Set "OutPutFile=%~dp0HashList.md5"
Type nul>"%OutPutFile%"    

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@for /f "delims=" %%a in ('Dir /S /B /A-D "%Folder%"') do (
@for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%H in ('CertUtil -hashfile "%%~a" md5 ^| find /V      "hash"') do set "Hash=%%H"
    echo %%a, !Hash: =! 
    echo %%a, !Hash: =! >>"%OutPutFile%"

I got a list of the file names, but each had the exact same checksum (for the last file in the directory).


  • This code solves your problem in the most efficient way:

    @echo off
    set "Folder=C:\Users\Me\desktop\MyFolder"
    set "OutPutFile=%~dp0HashList.md5"
       for %%F in ("%Folder%\vol1*.*") do (
          set "hash="
          for /F "skip=1" %%a in ('certutil -hashfile "%%F" md5') do (
             if not defined hash (
                echo %%a %%F
                set "hash=1"
    ) > "%OutPutFile%"

    This approach include these efficiency features:

    If the number of files to process is large, like six hundred files, the difference in time from this method to other one that uses find and append >> redirection will be very noticeable...