From SSMS 2017 I right click the database, then select Tasks->Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL database.
In the Wizard Deployment Settings screen, I click "Connect" and log in to my Azure SQL Server:
Then I click "Next" and get this error:
This question explains the need to grant the user access to the database. But we are creating a new database here.
I am connecting as the admin
Under Access control (IAM) -> Check access -> View my access I can see that I have Owner as a current role assignment
However when I click Eligible assignments I see
Activate a role to perform operations that require elevated permissions. The role will remain active for a limited time.
The tenant needs to have Microsoft Entra ID P2 or Microsoft Entra ID Governance license.
According to the MS document
permissions are necessary. To create a database a login must be either the server admin login (created when the Azure SQL Database logical server was provisioned), the Microsoft Entra admin of the server, a member of the dbmanager database role inmaster
The user who you provided is not having the necessary permissions to create database. That may be the reason to get above error. If you are using Entra user to login to SQL server, make sure your Entra user is set as server admin, otherwise set server admin as shown below in SQL server:
If the user is from external provider, add dbmanager role to the user in master db using below command:
ALTER ROLE dbmanager ADD MEMBER <user>;
Then you will be able to deploy the database successfully as shown below:
Deployed database:
Note: Use latest version of SSMS i.e. SSMS v20.2, it will work.