
Pivot a range of columns based on a character string in R

Assume a data frame like this:

df <- 
  total_income        = c(100, 500, 2000),
  ten_twenty_k        = c(90, 480, 300),
  twenty_one_thirty_k = c(10, 20, 1700),
  total_age           = c(1000, 2000, 3000),
  age_15_lower        = c(10, 20, 50),
  age_16_30           = c(900, 500, 100),
  age_31_50           = c(90, 1300, 2400),
  total_language      = c(200, 3000, 1500),
  english             = c(100, 1000, 600),
  french              = c(50, 1000, 500),
  spanish             = c(25, 100, 100),
  german              = c(10, 900, 150),
  russian             = c(15, 1000, 150)
) |> 


  index total_income ten_twenty_k twenty_one_thirty_k total_age age_15_lower age_16_30 age_31_50
1     1          100           90                  10      1000           10       900        90
2     2          500          480                  20      2000           20       500      1300
3     3         2000          300                1700      3000           50       100      2400
  total_language english french spanish german russian
1            200     100     50      25     10      15
2           3000    1000   1000     100    900    1000
3           1500     600    500     100    150     150

I'd like to pivot this data frame based on the columns that start with "total_". Basically, so it'd look something like this.

   index group_income count_income group_age    count_age group_language count_language
   <int> <chr>               <dbl> <chr>            <dbl> <chr>                   <dbl>
 1     1 total_income          100 total_age         1000 total_language            200
 2     1 total_income          100 total_age         1000 english                   100
 3     1 total_income          100 total_age         1000 french                     50
 4     1 total_income          100 total_age         1000 spanish                    25
 5     1 total_income          100 total_age         1000 german                     10
 6     1 total_income          100 total_age         1000 russian                    15
 7     1 total_income          100 age_15_lower        10 total_language            200
 8     1 total_income          100 age_15_lower        10 english                   100
 9     1 total_income          100 age_15_lower        10 french                     50
10     1 total_income          100 age_15_lower        10 spanish                    25

Afterwards, I would split the data frame into separate tables based on observational unit (i.e., separate objects/tables for income, age, language) and use distinct() from dplyr to remove the duplicate rows caused by level lengths in some variables being longer than others.

I know a tedious way of achieving this for a variable like income is using pivot_longer()like this:


df_income <-
df |>  
    cols      = 2:4,
    names_to  = "group_income",
    values_to = "count_income"
  ) |> 
    cols      = 2:5,
    names_to  = "group_age",
    values_to = "count_age"
  ) |> 
      cols      = 2:7,
      names_to  = "group_language",
      values_to = "count_language"
    ) |>
  ) |> 
  distinct(income, count_income)


  index group_income        count_income
  <int> <chr>                      <dbl>
1     1 total_income                 100
2     1 ten_twenty_k                  90
3     1 twenty_one_thirty_k           10
4     2 total_income                 500
5     2 ten_twenty_k                 480
6     2 twenty_one_thirty_k           20
7     3 total_income                2000
8     3 ten_twenty_k                 300
9     3 twenty_one_thirty_k         1700

However, I know there's a more efficient way of doing this using regex within pivot_longer(). Fortunately, all the variables that need to be pivoted together follow the column that starts with "total_". However, I'm not quite sure how to tell R to pivot the columns that follow a "total_" column, including that "total_" column itself, but stop when the next "total_" column appears and do the same thing. Does anybody have suggestions on how to do this pivoting?

Please let me know if I can clarify anything. Thank you!


  • Since you want as your output three different data frames coming from three different groupings of data with different numbers of columns, it doesn't make a lot of sense to try to pivot first then split the output. You can more easily split your columns into groupings with regular expressions and pivot each inside lapply

    split(names(df)[-1], cumsum(grepl("total_", names(df)[-1]))) |>
      lapply(function(x) {
        df[c("index", x)] |> 
          pivot_longer(-1) |>
                      paste0(c("group_", "count_"), gsub("total_", "", x[1]))))

    This gives you all three of your desired output tables in a list:

    #> $`1`
    #> # A tibble: 9 x 3
    #>   index group_income        count_income
    #>   <int> <chr>                      <dbl>
    #> 1     1 total_income                 100
    #> 2     1 ten_twenty_k                  90
    #> 3     1 twenty_one_thirty_k           10
    #> 4     2 total_income                 500
    #> 5     2 ten_twenty_k                 480
    #> 6     2 twenty_one_thirty_k           20
    #> 7     3 total_income                2000
    #> 8     3 ten_twenty_k                 300
    #> 9     3 twenty_one_thirty_k         1700
    #> $`2`
    #> # A tibble: 12 x 3
    #>    index group_age    count_age
    #>    <int> <chr>            <dbl>
    #>  1     1 total_age         1000
    #>  2     1 age_15_lower        10
    #>  3     1 age_16_30          900
    #>  4     1 age_31_50           90
    #>  5     2 total_age         2000
    #>  6     2 age_15_lower        20
    #>  7     2 age_16_30          500
    #>  8     2 age_31_50         1300
    #>  9     3 total_age         3000
    #> 10     3 age_15_lower        50
    #> 11     3 age_16_30          100
    #> 12     3 age_31_50         2400
    #> $`3`
    #> # A tibble: 18 x 3
    #>    index group_language count_language
    #>    <int> <chr>                   <dbl>
    #>  1     1 total_language            200
    #>  2     1 english                   100
    #>  3     1 french                     50
    #>  4     1 spanish                    25
    #>  5     1 german                     10
    #>  6     1 russian                    15
    #>  7     2 total_language           3000
    #>  8     2 english                  1000
    #>  9     2 french                   1000
    #> 10     2 spanish                   100
    #> 11     2 german                    900
    #> 12     2 russian                  1000
    #> 13     3 total_language           1500
    #> 14     3 english                   600
    #> 15     3 french                    500
    #> 16     3 spanish                   100
    #> 17     3 german                    150
    #> 18     3 russian                   150