After I obtain my authenticate key with gcloud CLI, I try to execute the below Python code to create a table in my instance of Spanner. However, Spanner returned a message "Transaction is not begun."
from import spanner
from google.api_core.exceptions import GoogleAPICallError
def _create_table(transaction):
a transaction for creating a table
query = (
'CREATE TABLE test_table (id INT64, data STRING(MAX)) PRIMARY KEY (id)'
# access to Spanner
spanner_client = spanner.Client()
instance = spanner_client.instance(instance_id)
database = instance.database(database_id)
# execute a query with run_in_transaction
except GoogleAPICallError as ex:
except ValueError as ex:
I expect that a transaction will begin when the method Database.run_in_transaction(transaction)
is invoked.
Please tell me how to fix the above code.
Spanner does not support executing DDL statements in a transaction. Instead, you should use the spanner_client.database_admin_api. update_database_ddl
function to execute DDL statements.
A full example for executing a DDL statement with the Python client can be found here: