Im trying to write a JQ function that will take some key/value arguments and format them into a nested object of various data types.
--arg baz
would create {"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}
--arg 2,3,5,7,11,13
would create {"numbers":{"prime":[2,3,5,7,11,13]}}
--arg someint 123 would create {"someint: 123}
Content of args2json.jq:
# Cast some text into the most likely value and appropriate data type
def cast_arg:
. as $val |
if $val == "null" then null
elif $val == "true" then true
elif $val == "false" then false
else ( $val
| try tonumber catch ($val
| split(",") as $segments
| if ($segments|length) == 0 then null
elif ($segments|length) == 1 then $val
else ($segments|map(cast_arg))
) end;
# Take the --arg baz,bang,qux into {foo: {bar: [baz, bang, qux]}}
def args2json:
. as $params
| to_entries
| reduce .[] as $entrties ([];
| (setpath(.key | split("."); .value | cast_arg) | del(.key) | del(.value) | $params + . )
.params=($ARGS.named | args2json)
jq --null-input \
--arg count 5 \
--arg name john \
--arg enabled false \
--arg shouldbenull null \
--arg mamals pig,cat,dog \
--arg sea.creatures 'shark,crab,654,squid' \
--from-file ./jq/modifiers/args2json.jq
I would expect to see the output:
"count": 5,
"name": "john",
"enabled": false,
"shouldbenull": null,
"mamals": [
"sea": {
"creatures": [
But here's the actual output
"params": {
"count": "5",
"name": "john",
"enabled": "false",
"shouldbenull": "null",
"mamals": "pig,cat,dog",
"sea.creatures": "shark,crab,654,squid",
"sea": {
"creatures": [
The last {sea: creatures: [...]}}
looks great. All values got casted properly and the creatures array is nested inside the sea object property. But it only seems to update the very last thing in the output and nothing else which I can't figure out.
Any help would be appreciated
This should work:
def args2json:
reduce to_entries[] as $e (null;
setpath($e.key | split("."); $e.value | cast_arg)