
Method References in VsCode flutter

Is there a way or plugin to display the references on top of a method declarations in VsCode with Dart code? Something similar to Visual Studio reference display?


  • According to the official documentation of Visual Studio Code

    Some languages like C# support inline reference information, that is updated live. This allows you to quickly analyze the impact of your edit or the popularity of your specific method or property throughout your project:


    Tip: Directly invoke the Peek References action by clicking on these annotations.

    Tip: Reference information shown in CodeLens can be turned on or off through the editor.codeLens setting.

    It clearly described that,

    Some languages like C# support inline reference information, that is updated live.

    So it suggests using Peek features of VS Code instead (if Dart programming language does not yet support how C# behaves in showing references of a method).

    Here's how:

    When you execute a Go to References search (via Shift+F12), or a Peek Definition (via Alt+F12), we embed the result inline

    Here's the source for more info regarding that context: Code Navigation

    Or if you need to add it specifically to a particular language; under the Language specific editor settings

    In addition, if you still want to achieve a similar behavior of it.

    Then try this if it matches your use case:

    Methods inside a single class

    /// [test2] // manual setting of method reference
    void test1() { //method 1
      debugPrint('this is a test 1');
    /// [test3] // manual setting of method reference
    void test2() { //method 2
      debugPrint('this is a test 2');
    /// [test1],[test2] // manual setting of method references
    void test3() { //method 3
      debugPrint('this is a test 3');

    Method from different classes

    class ClassA {
      void methodA1() {
        debugPrint("Test ClassA's method 1");
    class ClassC {
      void methodA1() { // I've just decided to mimic the ClassA's methodA1
        debugPrint("Test ClassC's method 1");
    class ClassB {
      /// [ClassA.methodA1]
      void methodB1() {

    Kindly read this for more details: Documentation comment references