Quick and simple question. I have starting to use Mongoc.jl to implement MongoDB procedure into my Jetelina project. I found "how to connect" in its manual, but nothing "how to disconnect". I wonder MongoDB should not cut the connection in each?
No worries, the package does all that housekeeping for you.
The following code is from https://github.com/felipenoris/Mongoc.jl/blob/100b732c53d6ce50417dc93c86218c7f92629ed0/src/types.jl:
function Client(uri::URI)
client_handle = mongoc_client_new_from_uri(uri.handle)
@assert client_handle != C_NULL "Failed to create client handle from URI $(uri.uri)."
client = Client(uri.uri, client_handle, nothing)
finalizer(destroy!, client)
return client
The Mongoc.jl package's Client struct represents a database connection. The finalizer (see https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/base/base/#Base.finalizer) makes sure that when the client goes out of scope (or at the end of your program, if client is a global) the handle is closed.