is it possible to only receive the serverAuthCode
with the Credential Manager [1] in an Android App written in Java ?
Our backend expects only this information so it may make the request to Google to receive info about the user thats trying to login.
My current implementation is:
CredentialManager manager = CredentialManager.create(getApplicationContext());
GetGoogleIdOption googleIdOption = new GetGoogleIdOption.Builder()
.setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(true) // only existing google accounts, no "create new google account" screen
GetCredentialRequest request = new GetCredentialRequest.Builder()
CredentialManagerCallback<GetCredentialResponse, GetCredentialException> credentialManagerCallback = new CredentialManagerCallback<GetCredentialResponse, GetCredentialException>() {
public void onResult(GetCredentialResponse result) {
// result here has all the data of the user, like email, name
// wanted: only serverAuthToken to send over to the backend which is then makeing the google api request
public void onError(@NonNull GetCredentialException error) {
// handle error
No, that is not possible. You can only receive an auth code if you use the Authorization APIs; Credential Manager is aimed at authentication and not authorization.