
Fetch Single Table into Nested Pojo

I have the following database table:

- author
- book_name
- publication_date

Values in the catalog table look something like

author book_name publication_date
Mark Smith How to Read 2024-01-01
Sarah Doe A Book 1826-01-01
Sarah Doe A Second Book 1855-07-15

I want to fetch the table into a Catalog POJO similar to this one:

public class Catalog {
    private String author;
    List < BookEntry > book_entries;

public class BookEntry {
    private String bookName;
    private Date publicationDate;

I have used the multiset ( operator for doing similar things across separate tables, but I don't know if it is appropriate for this particular use-case.


  • The simplest way seems to be MULTISET_AGG(), in this case:,
            .convertFrom(r ->

    Assuming you have the appropriate constructors on those classes, of course, and that you can handle the perils of not normalising this schema.