
Find/Set Azure Functions Core Tools version Visual Studio use

Got below error while trying to run the Azure Function in VS2022 locally.

This version of the Azure Functions Core Tools requires your project to reference version 4.5.0 or later of Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions. 

It can be fixed by updating the version of Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions, however that's also mean I will need to spend quite some times to test as code coverage is not good enough.

As a short term solution, would like to know how can I find out the Azure Functions Core Tools version VS is using, as well as how to rollback to the pervious version?


  • This error appeared with visual studio 2022 v17.12.0 after this update VS installed and forcing the Azure Functions Tools v4.0.6517 by default and based on Microsoft documentations

    enter image description here

    So we have to solution to solve this issue, the first one is to Update Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions nuget package to be 4.5.0 and this will solve the issue, but what if you don't want to update this package at all, then you will need to downgrade the version of Azure Core Tools, so the following steps explains how to do it

    1. Close the VS
    2. Do manual installation for Core Tools v4.0.6280 (older version)
    3. Copy the content of folder --> C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft\Azure Functions Core Tools
    4. Paste it to --> C:\Users\{your username}\AppData\Local\AzureFunctionsTools\Releases\4.104.0\cli_x64
    5. Restart your PC or Laptop
    6. Open the VS again and try to run any azure function, you will notice that the console is now showing the older version of the Core Tools.

    enter image description here I hope this answer may help someone.