I am struggeling Http::fake()
. I have a test where I have to change the response body after the first faked API call, but it seems this is not possible.
'https://my.apicall.com/api/v1/Invoice/Factory/saveInvoice' => Http::response($invoiceBody, 201),
// some code executed
'https://my.apicall.com/api/v1/Invoice/Factory/saveInvoice' => Http::response($invoiceBody2, 201),
// more code executed
the second Http::fake()
gets ignored, i receive the first body.
Any ideas?
You can use sequence instead of define fake response multiple times. Something like this
'https://my.apicall.com/api/v1/Invoice/Factory/saveInvoice' => Http::sequence()
->push($invoiceBody, 201)
->push($invoiceBody2, 201),
// Your code