
How to set url like values as key in Helm?

I have this values in a yaml for a helm chart:

       node-role.kubernetes.io/master: 'true'

But I want to install the chart just using one command without the file.

I've tried this without result:

helm install A B \
    --set "controller.nodeSelector[0].node-role.kubernetes.io/master='true'"

zsh: zsh: command not found: --set

Seeing this I thought it was a problem of the terminal

bash: json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field PodSpec.spec.template.spec.nodeSelector of type map[string]string


  • I assume the problem is nodeSelector[0]. Having [0] makes Helm assume it is an array, but when looking at the yaml it doesn't look like an array. So try this instead:

    helm install A B --set "controller.nodeSelector.node-role\\.kubernetes\\.io/master=true"

    You will have to escape ..