
How to access all enum members through class variable?

I have a class, and I want to access the members of some enum through it, in favor of encapsulation and convenience. i.e: I wouldn't like the client code to have to import and directly deal with the enums.

So, ideally, I would like have something like this in the client code:


Right now I have achieved what I want doing the following, but it feels kind of cumbersome:

enum Color {
  black(value: '#000000'),
  white(value: '#FFFFFF');
  final String value;
  const Color({required this.value});

class _Colors {
  final Color black = Color.black;
  final Color white = Color.white;

enum Spacing {
  xs(value: 5),
  sm(value: 10);
  final int value;
  const Spacing({required this.value});

class _Spacings {
  final Spacing xs = Spacing.xs;
  final Spacing sm = Spacing.sm;

class DesignSystem {
  static final _Colors colors = _Colors();
  static final _Spacings spacings = _Spacings();

So is there any other way that I might be missing? I've tried to directly assign the enum classes as class variables of DesignSystem but it doesn't seem to be possible in Dart.


  • It is not currently possible to declare a type as a nested member of another type, so what you are doing is unfortunately the only real way to accomplish this.

    There's a more efficient way, though, by using collection classes instead of enums and using constants instead of instance variables.

    class Color {
      final String value;
      const Color(this.value);
    class ColorCollection {
      static const instance = ColorCollection._();
      const ColorCollection._();
      final black = const Color('#000000');
      final white = const Color('#FFFFFF');
    class DesignSystem {
      static ColorCollection get colors => ColorCollection.instance;
    void main() {
      final black = DesignSystem.colors.black;