
How can i load an image from URL into a tensorflow pipeline in R?

I am playing around with image classification using the tensorflow and keras packages for R. I have build and trained a model that does well on the testing validation dataset. I now want to use that model to predict image classes for a lot of images stored online (i have all the URLs in a dataframe in R).

I can write a for loop to do this where i download each image, classify it, record the model prediction, and then delete the downloaded image, but this takes a long time and it would be faster to just read the image into memory instead of downloading each image. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to load an imagine into memory in R and convert it to a datatype that works with the rest of my tensorflow image standardization.

Here is my for loop:

for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
  img_tensor = 
    get_file("t",data$image_url[i]) %>% #download temp file
    tf$io$read_file() %>%
    tf$io$decode_image() %>%
    tf$image$resize(as.integer(image_size)) %>%
  #delete temp file
  data$score[i]=model %>% predict(img_tensor, verbose=0)

Here is an example image URL: https://inaturalist-open-data.s3.amazonaws.com/photos/451526093/medium.jpeg

All i want to do is be able to load that image into R directly from the URL (no writing the file to disk) and then use the tensorflow workflow (decode_image, resize, expand_dims). Any help is appreciated!

To replicate the code just replace data$image_url[i] with the URL i provided. No need to worry about predicting my model, that part is working fine. I just need the image to successfully feed into the rest of the pipe.


  • A few notes: