Let's say I have a simple enum:
public enum Foo {
CONST1("Const1 description"),
CONST2("Const2 description");
private final String label;
private Foo(String label) {
this.label = label;
public String getLabel() {
return label;
Now I have an endpoint that should return all the possible enum values to use this as a drop down in frontend:
public ResponseEntity<EnumSet<Foo>> allOfFoo() {
return ResponseEntity.ok(EnumSet.allOf(Foo.class));
I want to customize the format of how elements of this enum are returned for this endpoint only (because in different places of the service I might not need the description of each constant), like so:
"name": "CONST1",
"description": "Const1 description"
"name": "CONST2",
"description": "Const2 description"
Jackson annotation such as @JsonProperty
, @JsonValue
, etc seem to require altering the class itself, but I don't want to alter serialization format for the whole class.
I know that there is @JsonSerialize
which I've successfully used when EnumSet is wrapped inside another object but I'm not sure if I can make it work with controller methods.
I know there are mix-ins but again they seem to alter the format enum itself and not for just the specific API.
Is there a way to do it? Am I missing something? Maybe that's not a thing in API design in general and I'm trying to solve the wrong problem?
What about a simpler approach:
Let's create a class:
public class FooDto {
private final Foo foo;
public FooDto(Foo foo) {
this.foo = foo;
public String getName() {
return foo.name();
public String getDescription() {
return foo.getLabel();
And then in Controller:
public ResponseEntity<Set<FooDto>> allOfFoo() {
return ResponseEntity.ok(EnumSet.allOf(Foo.class).stream().map(f -> new FooDto(f)).collect(Collectors.toSet()));