I currently have a sample python script that reads a csv with double quotes as a text qualifier and removes ascii characters and line feeds in the fields via a dataframe. It then outputs the dataframe to a csv. However the output csv is double quoting empty fields. see below:
import pandas as pd
import re
import csv
# Load the CSV file into a DataFrame
file_path = "\\\\Mylocation\\Original_facility_udfs.csv" # Replace with your CSV file path
df = pd.read_csv(file_path, quotechar='"')
# Define a function to clean a single cell
def clean_field(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
# Remove line feeds (\n, \r) and non-ASCII characters
value = re.sub(r'[\n\r]', ' ', value) # Replace line feeds with a space
value = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]', '', value) # Remove non-ASCII characters
return value
# Apply the cleaning function to all DataFrame fields
df_cleaned = df.map(clean_field)
# Save the cleaned DataFrame back to a new CSV file
cleaned_file_path = "\\\\Mylocation\\facility_udfs.csv" # Output file path
quotechar ='"',
quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, # Ensure double quotes remain as text qualifiers
lineterminator='\n' # Set line feed (\n) as the row terminator
print(f"Cleaned CSV saved to: {cleaned_file_path}")
My current output is as follows
"20240830","251","GL Unit Code","Facility for Type","",""
"20240830","251","Cost Center","Facility for Type","",""
the desired output should be
"20240830","251","GL Unit Code","Facility for Type",,
"20240830","251","Cost Center","Facility for Type",,
There is currently no direct way to do this. Python 3.12 added a csv.QUOTE_NOTNULL
option, but it is currently not supported in pandas.
If you don't have tricky strings that need proper escaping, you could "escape" the values yourself with:
(df.map(lambda x: '' if pd.isna(x) else f'"{x}"')
.rename(columns=lambda x: f'"{x}"')
quotechar ='"',
"251","GL Unit Code","Facility for Type",,
"251","Cost Center","Facility for Type",,
NB. your input was unclear, in my case "20240830" was the index, and thus absent from the output.