I want to add labels at specific values along the two axes using ggplot and an overlaying ggmap. Only the extreme values of the x axis are shown.
Hi, I have prepared the following, reproducible example in R using ggplot2, ggmap and ggspatial functions:
xmin <- -8.93; xmax <- -7.80; ymin <- 37.23; ymax <- 39.10;
pt <- c( left = xmin, bottom = ymin, right = xmax, top = ymax );
PT_map <- get_stadiamap(pt, zoom = 10, maptype = "stamen_terrain") %>% ggmap();
breaks_x <- c(-8.9, -11.2, -13.4, -15.6, -7.8);
breaks_y <- c(37.2, 46.5, 55.8, 65.1, 39.1);
north_arrow_gg <- ggspatial::annotation_north_arrow(location = "tl",
pad_x = unit(0.1, "in"), pad_y = unit(0.1, "in"),
height = unit(2.0, "cm"), width = unit(2.0, "cm"),
style = ggspatial::north_arrow_nautical(fill = c("grey40", "white"),
line_col = "grey20",text_family = "ArcherPro Book"))
gg_test <- PT_map + scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks_x, limits = c(xmin, xmax) ) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = breaks_y, limits = c(ymin, ymax) ) +
north_arrow_gg +
annotation_scale(location = "bl", width_hint = 0.5, line_width = 1) +
coord_sf(crs = 4326, expand = FALSE )
that leads to the following map:
What I would like to have is for the axis labels to appera based on the breaks_x and breaks_y vectors.
It seems that using scale_x_continuous and scale_y_continuous is replacing your scale with the defined breaks. Simply removing these will generate the map with the required breaks you need. Please try the below code.
xmin <- -8.93; xmax <- -7.80; ymin <- 37.23; ymax <- 39.10;
pt <- c( left = xmin, bottom = ymin, right = xmax, top = ymax );
PT_map <- get_stadiamap(pt, zoom = 10, maptype = "stamen_terrain") %>% ggmap();
breaks_x <- c(-8.9, -11.2, -13.4, -15.6, -7.8);
breaks_y <- c(37.2, 46.5, 55.8, 65.1, 39.1);
north_arrow_gg <- ggspatial::annotation_north_arrow(location = "tl",
pad_x = unit(0.1, "in"), pad_y = unit(0.1, "in"),
height = unit(2.0, "cm"), width = unit(2.0, "cm"),
style = ggspatial::north_arrow_nautical(fill = c("grey40", "white"),
line_col = "grey20"))
gg_test <- PT_map +
north_arrow_gg +
annotation_scale(location = "bl", width_hint = 0.5, line_width = 1) +
coord_sf(crs = 4326, expand = FALSE )