I'm building a SwiftUI app that has a custom font. There are many articles on how to do that and all of them requires that I set some kind of modifier on every single text.
This can't be real, that Apple prevents us to override the default font used by adding a text:
Text("This is a simple text, using the default global font.")
There is the built-in modifier:
.font(.custom("FontName", size: 13)
There is the environment identifier, which allows to se the default text on an entire view:
.environment(\.font, Font.custom("RobotoMono-Regular", size: 14))
But dear god, why do I have to do this on every single view?
And none of the above allows me to utilize the built-in styling of:
AND none of the above - or the many hacks on the internet allows changing the font in the navigation top bar or tab bar...
What am I missing here? How do I do that?
Here are a few techniques that might help:
.font(.custom("AmericanTypewriter", size: 16))
:extension Font {
static let customTitle = Font.custom("AmericanTypewriter", size: 28)