RegEx finding pattern in string ie 128x128

I have hundreds of thousands of files and easily 80% of them have a resolution in the file name, for example 128x128 or 270x360.

I'm renaming all these files based on meta data but want to preserve the resolution. Example file names:

Grey Skyies 128x128.jpg
Rainbow Heaven 270x360.png
Happy Puppy 100x100 Blah Blah Blah.gif

I was hoping RegEx could help to find that pattern nnnxnnn so I can pull that out and store it ( variable) to later rename the file preserving that resolution.


  • Use regex pattern: \d+x\d+
    Which match enter image description here

       string pattern = @"\d+x\d+";
       MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(input, pattern);
       foreach (Match match in matches) {

    Sample code