
SwiftUI GeometryReader returning 0.0 for ScrollView content size on initial render

I am trying to get the size of a ScrollView's content on the initial render of the View, but it is returning 0.0 instead of the actual size. I created a ChildSizeReader View following this post to try to achieve this, and the code looks like this:


struct ChildSizeReader<Content: View>: View {
    @Binding var size: CGSize

    let content: () -> Content

    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
                    GeometryReader { proxy in
                            .preference(key: SizePreferenceKey.self, value: proxy.size)
        .onPreferenceChange(SizePreferenceKey.self) { sizeValue in
            size = sizeValue

struct SizePreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
    typealias Value = CGSize
    static var defaultValue: Value = .zero

    static func reduce(value _: inout Value, nextValue: () -> Value) {
        _ = nextValue()

Use of ChildSizeReader:

@State private var scrollViewSize: CGSize = .zero


ScrollViewReader { proxy in
    ScrollView(.vertical) {
        ChildSizeReader(size: $scrollViewSize) {
            FeatureSet(features: features)


struct FeatureSet: View {
    var features: [Feature]

    var body: some View {
        LazyVStack {
            ForEach(Array(features.enumerated()), id: \.element.title) { index, feature in
                FeatureRow(title: feature.title, value: feature.value)
                if index != features.count - 1 {
                        .frame(height: 1)
                        .overlay(Color(hex: 0x808080, opacity: 0.2))

I did also try wrapping Color.clear.preference in the conditional statement if proxy.size != .zero such as seen in this forum, but the size was still 0.0 when assigned to size.

But, the moment that I start scrolling, the size is set to the expected value.

Are there any ideas on how to retrieve the correct size of the ScrollView on the initial render? Thank you!


  • I would suggest simplifying your ChildSizeReader:

    struct ChildSizeReader<Content: View>: View {
        @Binding var size: CGSize
        let content: () -> Content
        var body: some View {
                .background {
                    GeometryReader { proxy in
                            .onChange(of: proxy.size, initial: true) { oldVal, newVal in
                                size = newVal

    An alternative way to implement the size reader is as a ViewModifier. I added a new answer to the post you referenced, to show how it can work this way.